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Segpay Affiliate Master
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Segpay Affiliate Program

Segpay Affiliate Master is a robust application that allows merchants to set up and run an affiliate program for their website(s).

Definition of Terms

The following terms are used in Segpay Affiliate Master (SAM):

  1. Website: the domain/URL for the website(s) that make up a merchant’s affiliate program.
  2. Lander: page within a website where a merchant wants visitors to land after clicking on a promotional offer.
  3. Offer: a combination of a website, a lander(s) and an affiliate payout.  Offers are what will be visible to a merchant’s affiliates and how they will get their links.
  4. Payout Rules:  a merchant’s preferred way of sending payment for given offers (i.e. give a higher payout for a pre-paid annual subscription).
  5. Vertical: the consumer market best suited for an affiliate offer.
  6. Affiliate Groups: a means of grouping affiliates for assigning them offers.  Every affiliate and every offer is associated to a group.
  7. Creatives: the banners, images, videos and other content a merchant wants to make available to affiliates to help them promote an offer.



The first step is adding your website(s). Point your mouse at the Web Sites Setup menu and click Web Sites

Click Add a Website. There are two required fields:

  1. Name – Enter a short but descriptive name for the website. The name will appear in reports, configurations and other menus.
  2. Base URL – The URL (link) to the website. When you enter the URL, include http:// or https://, e.g.,  No need to enter page names and/or paths here (e.g., /tour1, /gallery.html). You will specify these pages under Landers (next section).

Click Submit. After you’ve created at least one website, you can see your list of sites anytime by clicking Web Sites Setup/Websites.

If a website has at least one offer, you can mouse over the number in the Offers column to see the individual offer IDs.

Click Edit in the right column of a website (see image above) to change the site’s Name or Base URL, or to update the status of a site to one of the following:

  1. Site Enabled – You can create new offers for this site.
  2. Site Disabled – The site appears in your listing, but you cannot create offers for it.
  3. Hide/Delete – The site is no longer visible in your list. You can only view/edit it by selecting the Show Deleted Sites checkbox at the top of the table.


A lander is the path or page within a website where you want visitors to end up, or land (hence, “lander”) after clicking an offer. A single lander can be associated to one or more websites, allowing you to re-use lander names and not have to enter the same path or page name multiple times. For example, a lander named tour1.html can be entered once and then associated to multiple websites (i.e. for website 1 and for website 2).

Point your mouse at the Web Sites Setup menu and click Landers.

Click Add a Lander.  There are four required fields:

  1. Name – Enter a brief but descriptive name for the lander. This will appear in other configurations and reports.
  2. URL Part – Enter the path or page that is added to a website’s base URL to create the full address for a point of entry; e.g., lander1.html. NOTE: A full URL can be entered here but limits reusability and is not recommended. By using page names instead, you can re-use a lander with multiple websites (e.g., and without having to enter the lander multiple times.
  3. Type – Select the device type the page is best suited for: mobile, desktop or responsive (page is designed to fit any device).
  4. Vertical – Select the consumer category this lander is best suited for. This is used to associate a lander to an offer. When choosing a category for an offer, only landers in the same category will be available for it.  Vertical is also used by affiliates to filter through offers they wish to promote.

Click Submit. After you’ve created at least one lander, you can see your list of landers anytime by clicking Web Sites Setup/Landers.

Position your mouse over a Lander Name in the table to see its Lander ID.

Click Edit in the right column of a lander (see image above) to change the lander’s Name, URL part, Type or Vertical for a lander; or to update the status of the lander to one of the following:

  1. Offer to all affiliates – Affiliates will see the lander and be able to generate links and send traffic to this landing page.
  2. Private – Lander will not appear for any affiliates. Even if associated with an offer, a lander marked Private will not be available for an affiliate to send traffic to.
  3. Delete – The lander is no longer visible in your list. You can only view/edit it by selecting the Show Deleted Landers checkbox at the top of the table.


Offers are the heart of a merchant’s affiliate program. This is where you create the offers you want to make available for affiliates to promote.

Point your mouse at the Web Sites Setup menu and click Offers.

Creating an Offer

Click Create an Offer and specify the following options:


  • Offer-id: Enter a short nickname (11 characters max, no spaces) for affiliates to identify the offer.
  • Name: Enter a more descriptive name for affiliates to identify the offer.
  • Site: Select the website where the offer applies.
  • Thumb URL: Enter the full URL linking to a 300x300 icon you want to represent the offer. Affiliates will see the thumb when searching through offers. Note that images are not resized. We simply point to the URL you specify, so please re-size your image to 300x300 before entering the URL here.
  • Vertical:  Select the consumer category this offer is best suited for. When choosing a category for an offer, only landers in the same category can be associated with that offer. Affiliates will be able to filter offers by Vertical when searching for offers they wish to promote.
  • Show to: Select which affiliate group should have access to this offer (see Affiliate Groups section below).
  • Pay: Enter the base payout for this offer and select a conversion type: either Pay Per Sale (PPS) or RevShare. Once the initial offer is created you can set up custom payout rules to override the base payout in certain scenarios (See Configuring Payout Rules section below).

Click Submit. After you’ve created at least one offer, you can see your list of offers anytime by clicking Web Sites Setup/Offers.


Click any column header (besides Thumb) to sort the listing in alphabetical or numerical order based on that column. You can mouse over the image in the Thumb column to see the URL to the 300x300 image.


As you see in the image above, three buttons appear to the right of each offer in your list: Edit, Conf and Rules. Following are explanations for each:

Editing an Offer  

Click Edit to change any of the data entered when creating the offer (see image below).

You can also update the status of the offer to one of the following settings:

  1. Offer to all affiliates – Affiliates will see the offer. An A is displayed in the Status column of your Offers list.
  2. Private – Offer is not available to any affiliate. Use Private to place an offer on hold. It remains in the list but even if assigned to an affiliate, they won’t see it. A P is displayed in the Status column of your Offers list.
  3. Exclusive – Offer is not available to affiliates by default, however you can assign the offer to specific affiliates. An E is displayed in the Status column of your Offers list.
  4. Delete – The offer is no longer visible in your list. You can only view/edit it by selecting the Show Deleted Offers checkbox at the top of the table.

Configuring Landers for an Offer  

Click Conf to associate the offer with a lander. Scroll down below the Offers table to see the list of landers that can be associated with the offer. (See image below).


Only landers with the same vertical as the offer will be listed. Simply click the  icon on left edge of a lander to move it back and forth between Assigned and Not (yet) Assigned.  Affiliates will only be able to promote landers that are assigned to an offer. Click the  icon to view the lander page in a pop-up window.

Click Save Landers Configuration to submit your changes.

Configuring Payout Rules for an Offer

When you initially set up an offer, you specified a base payout (see Creating an Offer section above). However, you may want to pay different amounts under certain conditions. Click Rules to alter payouts during certain time periods, or after a certain number of conversions is reached, or for certain price points, origin countries and/or device types. The rules configuration section will appear below the offer listings.

Start-End: Select a date range during which the new payout rule is in effect. Leave blank to have the rule in place indefinitely.

$ per conversion: (If you selected PPS for your conversion type). Enter the amount (with two decimal places; e.g, 25.00) to be paid for this rule.

% of Trans Amount: (If you selected Rev Share for your conversion type). Enter the percentage to be paid for this rule.

From (for $ per conversion only):Enter the number of daily conversions that will trigger this rule. For example, entering a 5 here means this rule begins to apply on the 6th conversion an affiliate gets for the offer. This can help fight fraud by limiting the number of conversions you will pay out per day, and specifying a 0 payout for anything over that number.

Pkg Info (for $ per conversion only): Enter the price point (initial and recurring price) that this payout rule applies to. If the consumer takes that price point, you will pay this amount to the affiliate instead of the base payout amount. Use the format Initial Price:Recurring Price without decimal points. For example, a $1.95 trial with a recurring $24.99 subscription is entered as 195:2499. For one-time purchases the recurring price should be se to 0. For example, a one-time sale of $34.95 is entered as 3495:0.

Country/Device: Click the referring countries and device types where this payout rule applies. Use CTRL or SHIFT to select multiple countries and/or device types.

Note: Rules can be configured with any combination of the options above.

Click Add a New Rule to submit your changes. The form will remain open with your settings populated, so you can make minor changes and click Add again to easily create additional rules.


You can assist an affiliate in promoting your offers by adding images, illustrations, etc., and associating them with an existing offer. When affiliates look at that offer they will see all the creatives for that offer (there can be multiple creatives for a single offer).

NOTE: Segpay does not host creative. Merchants are responsible for hosting all creative and ensuring the correct URL is entered.

Point your mouse at the Web Sites Setup menu and click Creative.

Click Add a Creative. There are two required fields:

  1. Offer – Select the offer that this creative will apply to.
  2. URL – Enter the link to the creative.

Click Submit. After you’ve added at least one creative, you can see your list of creatives anytime by clicking Web Sites Setup/Creative.


As you see in the image above, there are two buttons to the right of each creative in your list:

  1. View – Opens the full-sized creative in a new tab.
  2. Edit – Allows you to change the offer or URL specified when you first added the creative. You can also update the status of the creative to:
    1. Enabled: Affiliates have access to this creative.
    2. Disabled: Affiliates will not have access to this creative.
    3. Delete: The creative is removed from the list.

Complete Your Setup

After entering your affiliate websites, landers, offers and creatives, please visit the Segpay Merchant portal at to complete your set up by adding a pricing package for your affiliate offer(s), as well as post back notifications – so you receive the data you need after your affiliate transactions are processed.

Post backs

In the Segpay Merchant Portal, go to the My Websites menu and select Postbacks. Click Add Postback. Under Trans post, and 2nd Trans post, enter your postbacks as follows:

Trans post

URL:<extra affiliateid>&trantype=<trantype>&stage=<stage>&trans=<tranid>&purchaseid=<purchaseid>&currencycode=<currencycode>&amt=<price>&do=C&approval_type=<approved>

Expected Response:



2nd Trans post

URL:<extra affiliateid>&trantype=<trantype>&stage=<stage>&trans=<tranid>&purchaseid=<purchaseid>&currencycode=<currencycode>&ip=<ipaddress>&ival=<ival>&rval=<rval>&cc=<billcntry>&approval_type=<approved>

Expected Response:



For more help with postbacks, please view our Manage Postbacks document here.


After you finish setting up postbacks, go back to the My Websites menu in the merchant portal and select Manage Packages. Click Add Package to create a payment package for your affiliate offers.

For help creating a package, please view our Manage Packages document here. Make sure you assign your newly-created post back configuration to this package.

After creating and saving the package, copy the e-ticketid value from your “button code” and append it to the following URL:

For example: - use this URL to link to the payment page from your affiliate lander pages.


The Segpay Affiliate Master includes two reports to help you track the performance of your offers.

Conversion Report

This report shows you every conversion for a given date range. To run the report, follow these steps:

  1. Point your mouse at the Reports menu and select Conversions.

  2. Enter the affiliate ID of the specific affiliate whose data you want to see in the report (or leave blank to see all affiliates); select an offer (or All); and choose a date range:


Click Go. By default, results are sorted chronologically from oldest to newest. Each row represents a conversion. Click any column header to sort the report in alphabetical or numerical order based on that column. You can mouse over any Date/Time to see the original registration date of the affiliate. Click the Preview button in the Link-ID column to view the lander that was used for that conversion.

The IP & GEO column records the IP of the consumer at the time they clicked the affiliate link as well as the time they made they purchase. If those two IPs don’t match, it will be highlighted in red as potential fraud. The Type column displays one of the following:



Signup for PPS




Join for RevShare






Token Purchase


Cross Sale

Offer Performance Report

This is a profit/loss report showing the overall performance of all the offers in the program for a given date range. To run the Offer Performance Report, follow these steps:

1.Point your mouse at the Reports menu and select Offer Performance.

2. Select the affiliate ID (or All) of the affiliates whose data you want to see in the report; and choose a date range:

3. Click Go. By default, results are sorted chronologically from oldest to newest. Each row represents one of the offers in the program. Click any column header to sort the report in alphabetical or numerical order based on that column.


All transactions processed by Segpay get posted back to the affiliate program. This provides an easy, at-a-glance view into the overall profit and loss for offers. The Collected column shows all revenue collected for the offer. Position your mouse over this field for a more detailed breakdown of the revenue, including joins, rebills, cross-sales, tokens, credits, and chargebacks. Click any column header to sort the report alphabetically or numerically according to the data in that specific column. Click the column header a second time to re-sort.


Affiliates Settings

View a list of all the affiliates that are a part of the program by pointing your mouse at the Affiliates menu and clicking Affiliates Settings.

You can find a specific affiliate by filtering the list according to either Affiliate ID, Email or name. Use the fields above the table (see image below) and the list will change as you type in these fields (note that searches are case-sensitive).

Add an Affiliate

Click Add an Affiliate. You are taken to a registration form that you must complete to add the affiliate to your program.

After at least one affiliate has registered for your program, you can see your list of affiliates’ offers anytime by clicking Affiliates/Affiliates Settings.

You can mouse over any value in the Offers column to see how many offers are assigned to that affiliate, broken out by the number assigned to the affiliate group and the number assigned privately.  


Click Edit next to any affiliate in the list to:

1. Assign the affiliate to a traffic group:

  1. None
  2. All
  3. Email
  4. Extra1
  5. Extra2

2. Modify the status of an affiliate:

   a. Pending review (If you require the admin to approve new signups – configured under Affiliate Settings – then they will be in Pending Review until approved).

  •      b. Active

   c. Terminated


Click Conf next to any affiliate in the list to assign offers to that affiliate that are not already associated with their traffic group.  All offers in the same traffic group are automatically assigned to an affiliate and cannot be removed.

Your list of offers will appear below the table. Click on any offer to assign or unassign it (see image below). Click Save Configuration to submit your changes.

Affiliate Groups

Use this page to group affiliates together, so you can assign an offer(s) to all affiliates in a particular group at once. Every offer is assigned to an affiliate group and is visible to all affiliates in that group. Point your mouse at the Affiliates menu and click Affiliate Groups.

There are five default affiliate groups.


  1. Group 1 – think of this as the “default” group. Affiliates in this group will only have access to offers assigned to Group 1.
  2. Group 2 – a higher tier for top affiliates. Affiliates in this group will have access to the offers assigned to both Group 1 and Group 2.
  3. Group 3 – no affiliates can actually be assigned to this group. Use it to assign offers that you want to keep private from the other groups, and want to manually assign to a specific affiliate later.
  4. Groups 4 and 5 – additional groups that will only show affiliates offers specifically assigned to the group. Offers assigned to groups 1-3 are not seen by affiliates in groups 4 and 5.

Click Edit next to a group name to modify the name and description of the group. The group’s behavior cannot be edited.

Click List next to a group name to view which affiliates belong to the group. Your list of affiliates in the selected group will display below the table (see image below). 

Click Close/Hide to submit your changes.

Affiliate Stats

This report provides sales data by affiliate for a given date range. To run the report, follow these steps:

1. Point your mouse at the Affiliates menu and click Affiliate Stats.

2. Enter a specific affiliate ID (or leave blank to see all affiliate), select an offer (or All), select a group (or All) and select a date range. Click Go.




Click any column header to sort the report in alphabetical or numerical order based on that column. You can mouse over any affiliate in the Pay to/Name column to see the email address for that affiliate. Mouse over any group name to see group’s number.


Program Settings

Manage all the settings for the affiliate program in the Admin area. Just point your mouse at the Admin menu and select Program Settings..

 You can edit the following options:

  • Registration URL - This is the link to share with affiliates you want to invite to the program. It points to the registration form they’ll need to complete.

  • Program Name - Enter an informative name for the affiliate program. Purely for marketing purposes.

  • Short Name - Enter a brief name that affiliates will see associated with offers when they browse. Must be 12 characters or fewer.

  • Link to Terms and Conditions - If you have specific terms and conditions a new affiliate must agree to, enter the link to those terms here. The link will appear on the affiliate registration form and must be agreed to for the affiliate to register. If you leave this field blank, affiliates only have to agree to Segpay’s terms.

  • Email Address – Enter an email to receive notifications whenever a new affiliate signs up to your program. You can add multiple emails (comma separated). Leave blank if you don’t want to receive notifications. 


  • Affiliate Approval - Select whether new affiliates are auto-approved (they will appear in the listing immediately after registering) or require approval by the admin (Segpay) before appearing in the affiliate listings. 

  • Traffic Type Group - Select which group new affiliates are automatically assigned to after registration. Select No if you want to manually assign all new affiliates to groups instead.

Add Sales

You can manually credit a sale to a specific affiliate. Point your mouse at the Admin menu and select Add Sales.

Adding a sale is a 3 step process:

1. Select the offer associated with the sale.

2. Enter the affiliate’s account number (ID).

3. Enter the unique transaction ID and Pkg Info (in the format initial price:non-recurring price:recurring price. No decimals). Use the Test Only checkbox to test this feature by sending a 1 cent payout to the affiliate.

Affiliate View

Affiliates, you can login to view offers, reports, change your payment information and more by visiting and clicking Affiliate Login.


After signing in, you are taken to a dashboard, which includes the list of offers made available by the websites in the affiliate network. Each row includes an offer name and ID, thumbnail image, payout terms – Payment per Sale (PPS) amount or Revenue share (REV) % - and the name of the Merchant’s affiliate program.

Click on the Offer ID, Preview image or Offer Name to view the full offer (see image below).


If you are interested in taking and promoting an offer, note the following options: 

  • Creatives: Click to download any images or banners the merchant has included with the offer.
  • Visit Site: Click to open the website (where traffic will be sent) in a popup window.
  • Sub Tracking/Dynamic Tracking: Allows you to have variables passed back to you, if you are doing your own tracking of your referral traffic. Enter whatever variables you want and the affiliate program will pass them to you.
  • Linking Code:
    • Choose Type: Select the type of traffic you want to refer. Depending on the offer, options can include Mobile, Desktop or Responsive.
    • Choose Lander: Based on the type you chose above, select available landers (landing pages). A preview of the lander will appear at the top of the page (or you’ll see a link to open the lander in a new window).
    • Click Apply and your unique tokenized linking code for the offer will display, including any sub tracking or dynamic tracking variables you specified. You can test the link by copy/pasting it into a separate browser window. You’re taken to the lander, with tracking cookies set (as they will be for any consumers who follow the link). Cookies last for 3 days, so you are still credited if a consumer waits that long before making a purchase.


You have access to a variety of reports to help you track the performance of your affiliate program. Point your mouse at Reports at the top of the page and select one of the following:


Choose a date range to see the offers you are promoting during that period, the number of clicks (raw + unique) and conversions for each offer, as well as the conversion % and total income from each offer. Click the number in the Active Offers column to go to the Offers & Landers report to see more detail about the activity on that particular day (see description below).

The Conversions column includes the total number, which you can click to view the Conversions report (see next section) to see more detail about the conversions for that particular day. Under the Conversions column you will also find icons for viewing conversions geographically (on a map) and by Device (see description of Device report below). See below for more about those reports.


Choose a date range to see all conversions during that period, including the date/time of each conversion, the type of offer accepted, Link ID (click to preview in a popup window), Transaction/Member info (the transaction ID/purchase ID associated with the conversion – mouse over this info to see any ref variables you requested for each conversion), the consumer’s IP address and geo location, referring device and browser, and total income you made from the conversion.

You can also filter by specific tracking codes, or by private Offer IDs only, via the buttons in the top right part of the report (see image below).

Offers & Landers

See how individual offers are performing. You can also filter by specific tracking codes, via the button in the top right part of the report (see image below).


Choose a date range to see how your offers are performing by country. Includes a map view, highlighting countries where your clicks and conversions originated. You can mouse over countries on the map to see your total clicks, conversions and income for that country.

Sub Tracking

Choose a date range to view your sub tracking variables and how each performed. You can also filter by specific tracking codes, or by private Offer IDs only, via the buttons in the top right part of the report.


Choose a date range to see which device types and operating systems were the sources of your clicks/conversions. You can also filter by specific tracking codes, or by private Offer IDs only, via the buttons in the top right part of the report.


View the traffic to your offers hourly, over the past day, or up to 4 days back.  


Shows the number of visits and conversions for each of your tracking URLs. 


Shows you the payments you have received for each conversion.


If merchants have set up payout rules to override your base payout terms in certain scenarios; for example, if a given offer stops paying out after 20 daily conversions, this page alerts you when you are getting close to triggering any rule.

Account Settings

Use this section to manage your contact and payout information, and view any payout rules merchants have created to override your base payout terms.

My Account

Update your email address, phone number, or change your password. Note that you must enter your current password to submit any account changes.

Change Payment Info

Change your payout terms, including:

  • Minimum Payment: Select the minimum amount that must be in your account before payouts are triggered. If your funds are below this amount when your payout day arrives, the funds are held until the next payout day.
  • Preferred payment method: Select how you want to be paid. Options are:
    • Bank Transfer/Direct Deposit: Enter your bank account details.
    • Paxum: Enter your Paxum account information.
    • Payoneer: Enter your Payoneer account information.
    • Company Tax ID/SSN: US businesses must also complete a W9 form, which is linked just below this field.

Payout Rules and Alerts

Any rules set up by merchants to pay differently in certain scenarios are listed here. See Notifications section above to be alerted when you are nearing the threshold for any specific rule.


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