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Home > Frequently Asked Questions (for Merchants) > What are postbacks and how do they work?
What are postbacks and how do they work?
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After certain events, such as a sale or cancelled membership, important data about the event is "pushed" to merchants via postback notifications, also called postbacks. Segpay has two categories of postbacks:


1. Member management postbacks: Data is sent to you after signups, cancellations or when a member creates a new username. You can set up four types of member management postbacks:



  • Inquiry postback – sends you new usernames created during signups to make sure they are available in your system.
  • Enable postback – notifies you to grant access to a newly-registered member.
  • Disable postback – notifies you to remove access from members whose subscriptions reach the expiration date, or if a cancel request was issued due to a refund or chargeback.
  • Cancellation postback – notifies you that a member has requested cancellation of his/her account. The postback itself does not remove the member's access.



2. Transactional postbacks: Data is sent to you after each transaction – regardless of approval or decline status – such as: signups, conversions, rebills, one-clicks, refunds, voids and chargebacks.

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